Author: Apisalome Rabo Delana I Illustrator: Gary Fox I Narrator: Apisalome Rabo Delana I Vosa vaka-Viti translator/editor: Adi Elisapeci Samanunu Waqanivala I Cultural advisor: Adi Elisapeci Samanunu Waqanivala I Co-publisher: Grow Vuna Initiatives Ltd.
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Vosa vaka-Viti
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Vosa vaka-Viti.
Ena gauna makawa … e dau nodra qito taleitaki na gone kei na cauravou na veitiqa.
Sa mani digitaki o Ratila na luvena na Tui Nubulevu ena vanua vaka Nakauvadra me laki matataki Viti ki Tonga.
Qai mani rawata mai kina na ulu ni i covi ni veisisivi e dua na toa … Va toka oqo e dua na tiki ni kena meke buli …
“… Tiqa o Ratila sa vuka … e cavuta nai sausau ni vanua … ulu ni vanuavatu e bola rua … vukivuki me yanuyanu ena siga nikau …”
Rau mani gade tu na drua vua na tavaledrau o Ratila me rau laki vakarorogo i talanoa mai Tonga … Qai mani lolomataka mai vei rau na veitacini o Ratila na Toa o Turukawa … Ena mataka e tarava, ni ra qai yadra cake na lewe i Nakauvadra, sa tekivu me lalata tu na na domo i Turukawa.
Ia ni sa rogoca o Degei na domo i Turukawa … sa domona lo e lomana me laki kauta mai me mai nona. Sa mani gole na mataivalu nei Degei … me ra sa laki kauta mai na nodrau Toa na Drua mai Nukunitabua. Ratou sa voleka yani ena vanua e toka kina … Sa qai vakacaudreva e dua na matanisiga katakata na Bete … Sosovu ka lutu bi na moce nei Kalinimoli na tacidrau na drua ni a yadrava tiko na Toa … ka ratou mani kauta rawa na mataivalu nei Degei.
Sa tuburi rau na katakata … rau mai veitalanoa … ka rau sa nanuma vata ka vakadonuya vata me sa na vakamatei ga. Ena mataka ni siga a dua … rau sa vakavakarau saraga ena nodrau i nakinaki me rau sa laki vakamatea na Toa o Turukawa.
Rau yasava lo yani na yasana e cake e Nakauvadra … nai tikotiko nei Degei … ka rau laki dabe toka ena dua na tikina e rawa ni rau raica vinaka yani kina na vanua e dabe toka kina na Toa.
Vana e liu o koya e gone … cala … Sa qai solia na dakai titi vei koya e qase … vakadre … qai sorova na nona dakai titi … cabolo e ruku ni tabana ka lutu matemate ki ra …
Qai vosa vei rau na tamadrau o Ratu Waicala ni sa rogoca nai tukutuku ni veivala vakayavusa sa yaco tiko ena vuku ni nodrau vanai Turukawa …
“Au kacivi kemudrau mai mo drau kila ni tabu na vakamate tamata” … rau taro lesu, … “O cei e vakatabuya” … sauma o Ratu Waicala … “Raica nai vola vivigi oya, e nona na Kalou” … rau taro tale … “O cei na Kalou? … sauma o tamadrau … “Kalou e tiko mai lomalagi, o au na kena i talatala … au kacivi kemudrau mai mo drau kila, e tabu na vakadave dra” …
Na veileti oqo me baleti Turukawa … kei na duidui ni nodra vakabauta … e dua na vu ni nodra veiseyaki ki na veiyasai Viti.
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Long ago in the ancient times….veitiqa, was a favourite game for the young ones.
Ratila, child of the Chief of Nubulevu was chosen from the land of Nakauvadra to represent Fiji to Tonga.
He won the main prize for the competition which was a rooster……excerpts of chant for the traditional dance coined had these lines…..
“When Ratila bats, it flies….it articulates the mana of the land……..head of the land of stones split in two……turning into island today…”
The twins visited their cousin Ratila to hear stories from Tonga……Ratila then gifted the two with the Rooster called Turukawa……The next morning the people of Nakauvadra were woken up with the voice of Turukawa.
When Degei heard Turakawa’s voice….he yearned to go and get it for himself. Degei’s warriors then proceeded ….to go and get the Nukunitabua twin’s Rooster. As they arrived where it was kept……the priest lit the hottest sun…..Kalimoli, one of the twins, started dozing and fell into a deep sleep during his time to watch over the rooster…. So, Degei’s warriors were able to take the rooster.
They were angry ….so they talked….so they both decided it ought to be killed. The next morning…..they prepared themselves for the plan to go and kill the rooster, Turukawa.
They quietly embarked towards the upper end of Nakauvadra….where Degei resides….seated themselves on the side where they can have a good view of where the Rooster was seated.
The young one gave the first shot….missed…..He then gave the bow and arrow to the older one…..stretched…..and the arrow flew……hitting below the wings and fell dead.
Ratu Waicala, their father, spoke to them when he heard the news of the warfare amongst the tribesmen because they shot Turukawa…..
“I called you both to let you know it is forbidden to kill another human being” ….
They responded and asked, ….”Who forbade that?.......
Ratu Waicala replied…..”Look the scrolls belongs to God”….
They asked again…..”Who is God?”….
Their father replied….”God is in heaven, I am the pastor……I called you here to let you know, spilling human blood is not allowed”…..
This dispute regarding Turukawa……end the differences in faith… one of the reasons why they are scattered all over Fiji.