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Got pātai/questions?

  • Should I include photos or illustrations with my story?
    Yes! Great imagery helps to tell your story (and could help to get you featured!)
  • Is it OK to have swear words or sexually explicit material in my story?
    Sure is! As long as it’s not vulgar and is important to the story. Make sure you flag it to us in the submission form (there’s a special area) and we’ll ensure we pop a warning on it for our readers.
  • How does indie make money?
    indie earns income through aligned advertising and koha contributions from our readers. We put 80% into publishing and promoting more Indigenous stories and divide 20% between the writers of the 50 most popular stories every quarter.
  • Can I advertise with you too?
    Maybe! Email Lizzie on with your interest and she’ll give you the details.
  • How do you split the writer payments between the top 50 articles and stories?
    20% of our revenue from advertising and subscriptions will be divided out to the writers of the top 50 articles, proportional to each article or story’s contribution to total ‘reads’. For example, if your story accounts for 5% of the top 50 total reads, you’ll earn 5% of the pot.
  • When are the payments made to writers?
    The first pay out will be December 1, 2022. The period we’ll be counting from starts now, so the earlier you submit, the better! From December we will pay quarterly on March 1, June 1, Sept 1, Dec 1 every year.
  • How will I know if my story or article was one of the top 50 published?
    We’ll email you.
  • Can I publish more than one story or article?
    Absolutely. Go crazy.
  • I don’t feel comfortable making money with this, is that OK?"
    Yep, just email us if you don’t want to be in the running for any earnings. You could also choose to send any earnings to a charity or community organisation if you like.
  • Does it matter if I’ve never written anything before?
  • Are there any age limits on who can submit?
  • Who owns my story once I put it on Indie?
    You do.
  • Is this cultural appropriation?
    Cultural appropriation refers to the use of objects or elements of a non-dominant culture in a way that doesn't respect their original meaning, give credit to their source, or is reinforcing stereotypes or contributing to oppression. We’re hosting stories that Indigenous writers create and own themselves - and fully crediting them for that - so we feel pretty confident that we’re operating respectfully and not appropriating anything. As Indigenous wāhine ourselves, we’re really in this with the best intentions. We want to ensure indie works well for everyone it touches, but we know we'll make mistakes along the way. If anything about our site or process feels wrong or uncomfortable to you, we welcome your feedback and would (honestly) love to work it through with you.
  • What if I decide I want to take my story down?
    All good, just email us. If you did still end up in our most popular 50 for a period, we would still pay you unless you want to opt out of that too.
  • If I worked with an illustrator or photographer can they get some of the payment too?
    We’ll just pay one person for each article or story but we really hope if there are multiple contributors that person will share the payment.
  • Who are you?
    Lizzie Dunn and Hannah Craig. You can find more about us here.
  • Don’t you think some stories aren’t meant to be shared publicly like this?
    Yep. We understand that not every cultural story is for the masses and we’re not asking for those special ones, rather just the stories that will bring benefits to your people by being shared.
  • I have a problem with one of the stories on your site. What should I do?
    Email us with your concern. We’ll review it with our team and if it violates our terms and conditions we’ll take it down. If it’s a more nuanced situation we’ll figure out an action plan together with you and the creator.

Still got pātai/questions?
Drop us a line, we'd be happy to help!

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