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Discover incredible Indigenous stories.

an indie collab
Legendary Links - a Muysca x Māori collab
a special project to strengthen ties & support each others cultural revival by creating quadrilingual versions of our favourite legends.

Warm feet, open skies, and the boy who called me a tiko
Yarns with Ma Series // Part 1 of 3 // Fly back in time with us for part one where we talk early whānau life in Rotorua.

It’s a raincoat, not a macintosh
Yarns with Ma Series // 2 of 3 // In part two of Ma’s story we talk about how she often stood out in a crowd and what that felt like.

Wetback fireplaces, two cars one night, and a camping cat
Yarns with Ma Series // 3 of 3 // In the final part of Ma’s interview we talk about holidays down the coast and cultural connection.

an indie collab
Legendary Links - a Muysca x Māori collab
a special project to strengthen ties & support each others cultural revival by creating quadrilingual versions of our favourite legends.

the Mauao Trust me Ngaa Poutiriao o Mauao
The story of Mauao
The legend of Mauao, the famous maunga of Mount Maunganui by the Mauao Trust and Ngaa Poutiriao o Mauao.

Teu fa’aSamoa / Samoan style
Samoan / Bilingual / For kids - a retelling of an old Samoan song about the importance of passing on traditions.

A’au si i’a la’itiiti / Swim little fish
Samoan / Bilingual / For kids - sweet nursery-rhyme style song that young ones will love.

Matariki - the stories of the stars
Māori / Bilingual / Podcast - a series on each of the stars of the Matariki cluster & their significance to our wellbeing and environment.

Shelley Dunn
Te wāhi tika / The right place
Māori / Bilingual / Fiction - a beautiful modern story touching on the importance of keeping things in their proper place in Māori culture.

Riana Foster
Te rākau tōtara a Nan / Nan's tōtara tree
Māori / Bilingual / Fiction - winner of our Matariki Short Story Comp for NZ schools! This poem speaks right to the heart of Matariki.
Nāku te rourou, nāu te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi.
With your basket and my basket, the people will thrive.
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